My oldest daughter is going to turn 6 in June and I have started to come up with new activities geared towards her age group. I am so used to teaching toddlers and preschoolers, but now it is time to start incorporating activities for school aged children. This sight word playdough is perfect for kids learning to read. It is a super simple set up and only requires flashcards (or you can simply write words on paper), stamp letters, and playdough. They can copy what the flash card says and read the word. It is a great way to practice while also being fun. My kids learn way more through play than they do through worksheets. This can also be used for younger kids as a way to identify their alphabet. I gave my 2 year old stamps with fun pictures on them so he could just be creative while using his fine motor skills at the same time.
What you Need:
- sight word flash cards (these are great because they go from pre-k to 3rd grade)
- alphabet stamps
- playdough
- rolling pin

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