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Mud Kitchen

Mud Kitchen

I am sure many of you have seen mud kitchens all over Pinterest and although I did not reinvent them, we really wanted to make our own and put a different spin on it for our family. From my experience as a parent, there is…

Usborne Book Favorites

Usborne Book Favorites

I have now been an Usborne Book consultant for a little over two years, but haven’t done anything with it in a while. I have since rejoined the company and want to share all of our favorite books we have collected over the years. Usborne…

Playdough Bug Activity

Playdough Bug Activity

This play dough bug activity is a perfect for summertime. It gets the kids outside to collect sticks, rocks, grass, leaves, and whatever else they can think of. This kept my 18 month old up to my 5 year old entertained for a long time.…

Mudroom Tour

Mudroom Tour

When we were in the process of building our house, I made sure there was an area for a mudroom. Although going through this process with 3 small children was beyond challenging, I was able to set up our house knowing what would be perfect…

Spring Felt Flower Activity

Spring Felt Flower Activity

This felt DIY is really simple to make and fun for the kids. They can create their own flower using the different colors or you can use it as an opportunity to teach them about each different flower and show them a picture to put…

DIY Dress Up Cabinet

DIY Dress Up Cabinet

This is a super simple Ikea hack that is perfect place to keep all of your kids dress up clothes. When we moved into our new house we had a few extra pieces of furniture we didn’t know what to do with and this Ikea…

DIY Felt Kite Activity

DIY Felt Kite Activity

Springtime is notorious for windy days and when it finally gets a little sunnier we can fly kites outside. For now, you can create your own felt kite for the kids to decorate on their felt boards. It’s really easy and I even use some…

Puff Container Sensory Surprise :: Spring Edition

Puff Container Sensory Surprise :: Spring Edition

Lately I have been filling all of my empty puff containers with assorted items, usually with a theme to teach my 16 month old in a simple way. Over the years, we have gone through a lot of puffs in this house and I have…

Spring Sensory Bin

Spring Sensory Bin

Before social distancing started, I had this activity all ready for my Exploring Through Play Program. Unfortunately it has been canceled for obvious reasons, but it wasn’t a total waste. My kids get to benefit from this super fun sensory bin. I actually used the…

Hyacinth Craft

Hyacinth Craft

This is a really easy craft for toddlers and preschoolers. You can use whatever colored tissue paper you have in your house. I had my kids practice using scissors to cut or rip the tissue paper. Supplies construction paper tissue paper glue scissors Instructions cut…