
Garden Planner for Kids

Garden Planner for Kids

We have been working in our garden since the moment the soil thawed out from the winter and it inspired me to create my own garden planner. This is geared towards kids, but I also have been using it for myself to help plan out…

Seed Counting Sensory Activity

Seed Counting Sensory Activity

This seed counting sensory activity is a great way to teach your kids basic math while having fun. I got the original idea from here. I used wooden numbers I got from the dollar store that I originally created for my Flower Measuring Activity post.…

Flower Measuring Activity

Flower Measuring Activity

Now that it is finally Spring, we are excited to watch all of the flowers start to grow. I recently found this flower measuring activity from Stay at Home Educator and fell in love with the concept. You will also find the free printables I…

Leprechaun Stew

Leprechaun Stew

This Leprechaun Stew is a great counting activity for young children. I originally got this idea from Pockets of Preschool during Halloween. My kids LOVED her Witch’s Brew activity, so I thought I might make something similar for St. Patrick’s Day. My kids enjoyed making…

Space Sensory Bin

Space Sensory Bin

We are working on a Space Theme this week and I wanted to create a quick sensory bin for the kids. I used a base of black beans, added a few other Space themed things, and resin letters I made for my kids to practice…

Fizzy Heart Activity

Fizzy Heart Activity

This fun little science activity is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your little ones. It requires a little bit of prep before you start, but it’s worth it to see your child’s face light up. supplies 2 cups baking soda water food…

Post It Math Activity

Post It Math Activity

This post it math activity is great for preschoolers through young elementary age. It is a simple set up and my kids really enjoyed it. I wish I could take credit for coming up with this activity, but I found it from Busy Toddler and…

Post Office Pretend Play

Post Office Pretend Play

This is a super easy and fun activity that doesn’t require too much set up. I printed and laminated these free alphabet upper/lowercase letter and stamp match (found here) printables. I added velcro dots to the letter and stamp so my kids could match them…

Winter Playdough Activity

Winter Playdough Activity

This Winter Playdough Activity was a HUGE hit with my kids. They played for at least 30 minutes and their ages are 2, 4, and 5. The older kids were really creative with the winter scenes they set up. I also paired this activity with…

Valentine Crayon Initials

Valentine Crayon Initials

Last year I made these Valentine Crayon Initials and hearts for my daughter’s Valentine’s Day party at preschool. I loved the way they came out so I wanted to create a post showing how I made them. I got my kids involved since they love…