Becoming a Morning Person

Becoming a Morning Person

Over a year ago I was listening to a Wellness Mama podcast called, How to Have a Miracle Morning and Organize Your Day With Hal Elrod. It really inspired me to read his book and take a deeper look at what he calls, the S.A.V.E.R.S. I did Miracle Mornings several times before I found out I was pregnant with our fourth baby. That pregnancy was really hard on me and I had a lot of morning sickness and insomnia for most of my pregnancy so unfortunately my early mornings had to take a backseat until now. So now I am sure you are wondering what is a miracle morning and how does it make you a morning person? Hal Elrod talks all about how he was able to change his life and achieve his goals by changing his mornings. I have never been a morning person, but by committing to waking up 30 minutes to and hour before my family I am able to change my entire mood for the rest of the day. Most of the time my kids are waking me up and I start my day barely awake and stumbling around making breakfast for everyone then rushing to get myself and everyone dressed before school drop off. It will only get more complicated next year when my oldest is in kindergarten and my second born in preschool. So I have decided to try this all over again and plan to do his 30 day challenge, which you can find here. Starting Monday April 5th, I will embark upon this life changing journey to get my mornings back and hopefully keep it that way. If you want to join me, make sure to follow along on my Instagram for my daily check ins. I need as many accountability partners as possible!!

How to Start your Miracle Morning

  • Read Hal’s book (optional)
  • print out the 30 day challenge and fill out all of the goals and affirmations. I keep mine in a binder so I can reference back to it throughout the challenge and plan to use it after. Also make sure to have a journal or pieces of paper on hand.
  • set up workout clothing the night before
  • wake up an hour before you normally would (if you can only do 30 minutes before that’s fine, do whatever you can) then divide that time by 6 for each item in the S.A.V.E.R.S (see what this is below). I usually give the exercise portion the most time (approximately 20 minutes) and then divide the rest of the time evenly. I might even move the meditation to right before bed, because it helps me wind down. I also like to leave some extra time for a quick shower, getting dressed/ready. Basically tailor it to your lifestyle.
  • I like to start with working out so I have enough energy and end with reading.

What are the S.A.V.E.R.S??

S :: Silence — this would be the meditation part of your morning. Hal recommends to start with this, but I personally will fall back asleep if I do this first, which is why I excersise first.

A :: Affirmations — I have made a list of affirmations for the specific goals I want to ahcieve. These are encoraging words to help you live out your purpose and inspire you to live your best life.

V :: Visualiztion — Imagine your self, step by step, doing exactly what you need to do to meet your goals.

E :: Exercise — Whether is it a quick workout to get your blood flowing or a long run to relax you. This is a great way to start your day. I have a workout app I follow and usually the workouts range from 10-30 minutes. My fitness goals are to maintain health and gain more strengh, espeically in my core (having 4 children has done a number on my body).

R :: Reading — You can read books about improving your life, or books that interest you. I am big into health and wellness so I tend to read books about that, but I also love reading about parenting. There are a few authors I read just for fun as well.

S :: Scribing — writing or journaling is a great way to get our thoughts out and reflect on what has happened the day before and what we hope will happen on the present day.

I hope you join me in becoming a morning person. Make sure to follow along with me on Instagram, tag or message me if you are starting this challenge. As I said before, I need all the accountability partners as possible. Good luck and enjoy your mornings!

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