Yogurt Berry Puree

Yogurt Berry Puree

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I am always trying to find ways to make life easier for me and still provide my children with the best nutrition I can.  In my recent post, DIY Baby Food, I talked about how I make my own baby food and the products that save me time and energy.

Sugar is found in almost everything we eat today and it can be really difficult to buy things that do not have a ton of added sugar.  Rather than buying a flavored yogurt filled with sugar, I make my own puree and add it to a plain, unsweetened yogurt or non-dairy yogurt.  My kids love it and I feel better knowing there isn’t any added sugars.

Below are my top fruit puree recipes, but you can get creative by adding other fruits or vegetables.  I always use an apple as a base and then add different fresh or frozen fruits.


Raspberry & Apple


Strawberry & Apple


Blueberry & Apple





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