New Baby Bundle

New Baby Bundle

With our fourth baby due any day, we are getting ready to add another member to the family. Our kids are all really young, the oldest is 5, 4, and 2. Although we have been through this several times now, each kid will handle the transition differently. It will definitely be a beautiful and challenging time for all of us, so I try to find little ways to include my kids in the process as much as I can. Every time we add another baby to the family I get something little for the older siblings to celebrate the birth. This time around I got each kid a little baby carrier they can wear. I am a big baby wearer especially when I had my second child because you need your hands free to take care of your other toddler/kids and the new baby just wants to be held. My kids love taking care of their baby dolls and will imitate everything I do with the baby so I am really excited to give them their own baby carriers. I am also giving a few different books about a new baby and since my son is the youngest, he is getting his first big brother book. Check out the books and ideas below if you are adding to your family!

New Baby Bundle Suggestions

  • baby doll
  • baby doll accessories
  • baby doll furniture
  • baby doll carrier
  • books about being a big brother/sister

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Book Suggestions



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