Zen Basil

Zen Basil

Have you ever heard of Zen Basil before? Neither had I until a few weeks ago. It’s a company that sells basil seeds meant for consumption. They react just like chia seeds that plump up when you add a liquid to them. Chia seeds have become a staple in the health and wellness industry, but did you know they aren’t as healthy as you have been told to believe. Yes, shocking!! I was totally shocked when I found out too. They are full of little things called lectins, which are sticky plant proteins that can wreck havoc on our digestive systems. Some people are more susceptible to lectins over others. The past 2 years I have been mostly following a program called the Plant Paradox by Dr. Gundry. Some day I plan to write a detailed blog post about how and why I continue to follow the program, but long story short I feel great when I follow it. My family has also noticed a difference when they follow it as well.


  • High in Fiber
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Rich in flavonoids, polyphenols and other plant compounds
  • Omega-3
  • Omega-6
  • Vitamin K improves circulation
  • Potassium and iron to encourage heart strength

The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking my link.

Shop Here if you want to get your own bag and see why we are loving these seeds. They also have recipes on their website and Instagram page. I am going to continue to experiment with my own recipes and will post on my own Instagram page. So far I love sprinkling them in my coconut yogurt bowl. I also made my own version of a “chia seed” jam but used basil seeds instead and it was AMAZING! My kids LOVED it too and I loved that it provided more nutrition than a standard jelly from a jar!


What Dr. Gundry Wants You To Know About Chia Seeds



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