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Pom Pom Drop

Pom Pom Drop

I always collect paper towel and toilet paper rolls to use for crafts and activities. It’s a great way to recycle them and be creative at the same time. This pom pom drop is fun for young toddlers up to preschool age. It’s an easy…

Easter Egg Surprise

Easter Egg Surprise

This Easter Egg Surprise is a super simple activity for toddlers and preschoolers. You can use whatever things you already have in your house. I collected smaller items that would fit into a plastic Easter Egg, like puzzle pieces, strings, pom poms, etc. It’s exciting…

ABC Egg Hunt

ABC Egg Hunt

This ABC Egg Hunt is a great way to teach your toddler about the alphabet while having fun. I put small letters inside Easter eggs and hid them outside for my kids to find. They love to “practice” egg hunts before Easter and I love…

Puff Container Sensory Surprise :: Easter Edition

Puff Container Sensory Surprise :: Easter Edition

If you have kids, then you know what puffs are. All of my kids have gone through puff phases and I have been trying to come up with some different ways to use them for playtime rather than just recycling them. You simply peel off…

Easter Sensory Bin

Easter Sensory Bin

This Easter Sensory Bin is so fun for the kids and can be really simple. I used the green rice I made for my St. Patrick’s Day bin that way I didn’t have to make more. You could also use rainbow rice or even the…

Easter Bunny’s Workshop

Easter Bunny’s Workshop

An Easter Bunny’s Workshop is such an amazing way for your child to use their imagination while playing. This can be set up in your home using whatever Easter items you have around the house. I used our Easter baskets, plastic eggs, pom poms, books,…

Construction Sensory Bin

Construction Sensory Bin

We are all looking for things to keep our little ones busy right now. This construction sensory bin is really easy to set up and you can use whatever you have around the house. Assorted trucks/cars, construction signs and cones (if you don’t have them,…

ABC Hunt

ABC Hunt

This ABC Hunt is so easy to set up and is a fun educational activity for toddlers and preschoolers. All you need is a bin full of pom poms (doesn’t have to be as large as mine) and felt letters. I hid the letters in…

Build Your Own Shamrock

Build Your Own Shamrock

What kid doesn’t like play dough?! I have been running a program for toddlers/preschoolers over the last few months and have noticed just how much all kids truly LOVE play dough. With a little imagination, you can put together some fun and easy activities guaranteed…

DIY St. Patrick’s Day Felt Activity

DIY St. Patrick’s Day Felt Activity

With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, I wanted to post a DIY felt activity. It is a great way to teach your child about colors of the rainbow, while you celebrate the holiday. Check out my video below to see how easy is…